Our Values

Civil and Traffic Designs Values

CTD Believes in success with our clients and within our team. We are driven by company values to be sure we provide the best possible outcomes for everyone involved in the project and the project itself. These values strengthen our relationships with our clients and the communities in which we work.

Engineering and Design with a Difference

CTD Believes in the best possible outcomes for the services we provide.

Only establishing in 2019, CTD is already making positive impacts on clients with high-quality work while adhering to professional and technical standards while maintaining low-cost budgets on projects.

A passion for engineering is what drives performance, technical excellence and a determined approach to exceptional service and delivery.

We value our clients and are dedicated to serviceing them with nothing but outstanding results. We believe in close communication to create relationships and the desired outcome for everyone involved in the project.

CTD is dynamic and add value to every project while bringing vital engineering and design experience.

We believe in delivering excellent results in excellent time.



Our job at CTD is to continue updating our knowledge within the industry. This allows our team to be up to date with the latest news and information necessary to be able to undertake projects to industry standards. 


Client Value & Commitment

We are passionate about our client’s input and success. We bring the best possible outcomes to ensure success for our clients. 



Without quality, there is no project. Consequences can be dire which we are aware of. At CTD, our professional responsibility to produce quality work is second to none and do not compromise on quality. Our quality system has been developed to align with ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Requirements.



We believe in our work to always be of the highest professional ethical standards and value honesty across relationships with our clients, staff and community. At CTD Integrity is an essential component in the way we conduct ourselves.


Health & Safety

We value the safety of our team, client and community that are affected by our services and believe that providing a safe workplace is imperative for everyone associated with CTD. Eliminating hazards, incidents, controlling risk and managing safety is a priority.



We value our actions and responsibility towards the environment and strive to achieve sustainable outcomes on projects. This is achieved through recycling materials and reducing waste.

“Communication and building relationships are key values at CTD.”