Our Services

Services Provided by CTD

CTD provides a range of engineering services that supports projects from concept phase through to project delivery.

Our services offer cost-effective and practical outcomes that exceed client expectations. This is achieved by our intricate understanding of governing body standards and how best to apply them.

Engineering and Design with a Difference

CTD Believes in the best possible outcomes for the services we provide.

Only establishing in 2019, CTD is already making positive impacts on clients with high-quality work while adhering to professional and technical standards while maintaining low-cost budgets on projects.

A passion for engineering is what drives performance, technical excellence and a determined approach to exceptional service and delivery.

We value our clients and are dedicated to serviceing them with nothing but outstanding results. We believe in close communication to create relationships and the desired outcome for everyone involved in the project.

CTD is dynamic and add value to every project while bringing vital engineering and design experience.

We believe in delivering excellent results in excellent time.

Civil and Road Design

Our team are familiar with civil and road design across Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria to both local and state government requirements.

We specialise in Construction Staging and have a detailed understanding of the MUTCD, AS1742.3, Traffic Control at Work Sites and Austroads Guide to Temporary Traffic Management. 

Project Management

Our team of professional engineers are competent project managers and are able to deliver projects in accordance with industry best practice (PMBOK). Our team are excited to assist with your next project. 

Contract Administration

Our team have assisted in the successful delivery of numerous TMR and Civil Infrastructure construction projects. We have an intricate understanding and knowledge in TMR TIC-CO Contract, AS2124 and AS4000. Our team is also able to assist with claiming variations against these contracts. 

Traffic Engineering

Our team specialise in traffic and transport engineering projects and understand how to achieve safe and efficient movement across our complex and congested transport network.

Construction Certification

Our team is able to offer engineering supervision and certification services for Civil Infrastructure projects. We are able to work collaboratively with all entities (client, contractor and stakeholder) to ensure best for project outcomes are achieved. 

Construction Staging Design

We specialise in Construction Staging Designs and have a detailed understanding of the MUTCD, AS1742.3, Traffic Control at Work Sites and Austroads Guide to Temporary Traffic Management. Our team have been involved in the successful delivery of both minor and major projects throughout Australia and are able to develop best for project outcomes (low cost and ft for purpose designs) that save money without jeopardising safety. 


Structural Design

Our team is able to offer temporary and permanent structural design solutions to any project. Our staff have significant experience designing civil infrastructure, bridges, buildings and other structures.